This is my Digikids work which is pixel art. I enjoy pixel art even though it takes along time. I am very proud of my pixel art. :)
Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!
Friday, 25 November 2016
Inrveiwing Fielix
I was learning to write questions for Felix. I found it easy to think up the questions. Overall I think I did ok. :\
Number Strategies
I was learning to do CM, Tidy numbers, PVP and number lines . I found the number line the hardest. I found the rounding and compensating the easiest. Overall I think I did very well.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Math Term 4 Week 5
I was learning to do fractions questions. I found this very easy. Overall I think I did very well.
I was learning to write how Zelda is in the story. I found it hard to think up ideas for Zelda. Overall I think I did ok. :-/
Scriffitto Art Paragraph
I was learning to use language features in my writing. I found it easy to use all the language features. Overall
I think I did well.
I think I did well.
Maths question by Peter
We were learning to write are own maths problem. I found it easy to think up a problem to write because I am good at maths. Overall I think I did well.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Measurement Scavenger Hunt
I was learning to find the length of shapes in the classroom. I found it hard to find the lengths of the shapes. Overall think I did ok.
How Airplanes Fly
I was learning to find forces questions? I found this hard because we had to read a book. But overalli think I did well
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Nacheca’s Hat Named Ping hat
I learning to write a story. I found it easy to think up ideas because I am very good at making up story's. Overall I think I did very well. Read it and what you think of it.
Reader's Response to Once
I was learning to write a good response.I found it tricky to think up some questions. Overall I think I did ok.
I was learning to write metaphors and write what a metaphor is. I found it hard to think up the metaphors. But when I got the hang of it. Overall I think I did well.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Reasearch Superman
I was learning to Research Superman. I found this easy because I had the intent.
Overall I think I it well
I we were learning to Research about Matariki. I found this easy because had help from Emma.
Overall I think I did well.
Reader's Response
I am was learning to write a Reader's Response. I found it easy because I just needed to edit it. I think I did well with this reader's response.
Te Reo Maori Translating
I was learning to translate Maori to English using a Maori dictionary. I found using the correct Maori translation for the context of the story easy because I had other words already done. I found using the pictures to help us understand what is happening in the sentence a bit hard because I have very made a poi before and pictures were a bit vague in the pictures.
I found put the knowledge of visual and vocabulary into a sentence that wakes sense.
Term 3 Maths Frictions
I was learning about frictions. I found this easy because I am smart. Overall I think I did well.
Kite Maori game
I was learning to learn about the Maori game Kite. I found this work easy because we worked us a group. Overall I think I did well.
Word definitions
I was learning to write definitions. I found this easy we had to search the definitions and it into are our own words. Overall I think I did well.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Reader’s Response to 88 Lime Street
I was learning to write a good Reader's Response about 88 lime street. I found this easy. Overall I did well.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Fractions of a Whole
I was learning to use our multiplication and division. I found this easy. Overall I think I did well.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Fractions Word Problems
I was learning to solve problems and write problems. I found this easy because it was easy to work out the problems. Overall I think I did well
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Monday's child
I was learning to write a poem. I found this easy because we had the words on the whiteboard. Overall I think I did well.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
W.o.t or World of Tanks speech
My Reflection
I found my it easy because I know lots about World of Tanks. The trickiest part is editing it. Overall I think I did well
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
working with fractions
I was learning to use fraction's in word problem independently. I found this easy because I know my fraction's. I need to work on fraction being used. Overall I think I did well.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Stop Motion Video
Monday, 2 May 2016
Spelling Rule 3 Words that end in -l
I am learning to learn words that in -l. I found it easy so far. Over all I think I did well.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Medal Anzac 2016
I was learning to make a medal. I found this easy because just had to make a medal. Overall I thought I did well
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Songs with meaning Anzac 2016 (I was only 19)
I was learning to write a response to a song I choose I was only 19 . I found this easy.
P.S it's sad for me
P.S it's sad for me
ANZAC 2016 poppy drawing
ANZAC 2016 Word Search
I was learning to make to a word search. I found this easy. Overall l thought I did well
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Kung- fu 200 Words!!!!!!!! by Peter
When it was playtime we went to the hall to do kung-fu. In the beginning we all sat in a line to take a photo and to watch the person doing kung-fu and talking us the name of the move. First we were going to punching we didn't just have to punch we had to say "ha" . I thought this was very funny but when we had to do it was hard because you had to get everything right the hardest part was doing the "ha" because I didn't want to laugh and I would laugh which would ruin all the the "ha's" our line had to show the rest of the class.I didn't think I did very well. Next we had to half sit and make a ball with our hands. I found this easy.
Next we had to pull our legs forward and then you had to make a ball with our hands it was my favourite thing I did there it was also the easiest thing there.
Next we had to pull our legs forward and then you had to make a ball with our hands it was my favourite thing I did there it was also the easiest thing there.
My Reflection
I was learning to write a 200 word challenge. I found this easy because you just to write then lower the words and get closer to 200 words. Overall I thought I did well.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Reading Comprehension - Matilda
I was learning to answer the questions. I found this easy because I just had to answer the questions. Overall I thought I did well.
Maths Problem - Cricket Match (New Zealand vs Australia)
I was learning to solve a maths problem . I found easy because we had a buddy to work with on this. The hard part was writing down all the ways to to work it out. One thing I did well in was to draw the problem because we had all ready done the drawing in our maths books. Overall I thought I thought I did well because I got it done well and fast with my buddy.
Friday, 8 April 2016
My Pepeha
I was learning to write a Pepeha. I found this easy because I just needed to copy it from my book. Overall I think I did well.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Rule 1(d) Words that do not change in the plural
I was learning to learn how to spell words that do not change in the plural. The hardest word was species because it's hard to sound out species. Over all I thought I did well because I know the words
Monday, 4 April 2016
Interview Boy/Mouse by Peter and Joshua
I was learning to write interview. The hard part was writing the answers because they didn't happen in the story. Overall I thought I did well.
Witches Compere to Nazis
I was learning to compere the witches to the Nazis. It was easy do the witches because it was only about one story and I don't know much about history.
Friday, 1 April 2016
Problem Solving (Oliver’s birthday)
I was learning to draw the maths and do the maths. I found easy because I was working with Riley. Overall I think I did well.
I was learning to make make a Subitising. I found this work easy because I had to put shapes in then show your working out.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Reader's Response
I think it was good because it's true in a way.The story could be a lesson because if you lie, you could die or get in big trouble. This poem reminds me of when my friend said he was going home but then he spied on me and my friends instead. I asked why were you spying on us? His response was to run away. I was shocked he would do that to me because lid known him for 3 years. This poem also remind me of the story of the Witches cause they lied to the children so they could gain their trust and then take them away from their families and get rid of them.
I was learning to write a reader's response I found this work hard because I can't spell very well and I didn't know to write. One thing I could do better in is to expand my ideas a bit further.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Spelling rule 1c - words that end in 'o' - Plurals
I was learning about words that end in 'o'-plurals. I found this work easy because all you have to do was to add a 's'.
Monday, 29 February 2016
spelling rule (b) plurals part 2
I was learning my spelling. I found this work easy in a way a because all you had to do was to add a"s". Overall I thought I did very well.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Word Definitions for Matilda Poem
I was learning to write a Definitions about for Matilda Who Told Lies. I found this work easy because this is on computer which made looking for works easier.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Spelling 1 (b) part 1
I was learning how to spell. I found this work very easy because I could do my spelling well. Overall I thought I thought I did very well.
Matilda Who Told Lies Reader’s Response
I was learning to write a reader's response by myself . I found this work hard because I just couldn't add enough detail. I did okay in everything in this work I need to improve on writing a reader's response.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Bubble Poem
I was learning to write a poem. I found this work easy. Overall I thought I did well.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
The Fantastic Apple
I was learning to write a story with no words just pictures. I found this work easy and tricky the hard part was the beginning and the easy part was the rest was easy. I did well did well with the whole thing because joshua didn't have password. I think I did well don't believe me look at the story.
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